
Showing posts from August, 2010

Minding it, more or less.

There was a conference of sorts between my consciousness, heart and mind. It was presided over by my body. The body explained how it had become a bundle of confusion with all the three attendees not being in alignment. "Please come to an agreement", it requested. "The key issue", said my consciousness, "is to evaluate what you are doing against its significance in the overall scheme of things. Right now there are so many things that do not seem to make sense". "It doesn't matter what you do as long as you enjoy doing it", replied my heart. "Enjoy your work and everything else will fall in place. You will be happy and things will make sense even if they don't". My mind seemed irritated. "What BS?", it flared. "You have accepted the system when you accepted its education, its degree, its job, its money, its marriage, its family, its medicine and its electronics. Why question the significance of its work alone?"...