The Journey
“There. Listen to the sounds of the train passing. Some compartments are full, some are half empty and even some more are empty. This train will be gone and will take all its passengers to wherever they need to go. A new train shall pass by here tomorrow. Some of the passengers could be the same ones who have traveled today. There will be some new ones” “Will the train ever stop here?” “It does but only briefly. And then you will see some old faces and some new. Treat the old ones ever so gently. Give them respect. Speak softly. They are the ones who will yell at you about yesterday. They might even shower praise and affection. Do not get swayed by any of those emotions. Just be aware that them being emotional only means that you matter in their lives. So be gentle with your words to them” “What about the new faces? Do I matter in their lives too?” “Not yet. You matter only to their minds when they are new. They will assess and analyze you. Be yourself. Do not put a show for them. ...