
Showing posts from December, 2020


That day has now come and gone 50 times. Lucky to be alive still, I guess. Lot of things age and decay with time. Body, of course, is the first thing that comes to mind. What else, I wonder. Relationships. While some flourished, some decayed thanks to the curve balls that time kept throwing along the way. Expecting anything from the world is certain to lead to suffering. That's a lesson learnt late. But then I guess it is supposed to be that way. Lose once, you blame people. Lose twice, you blame yourself. Lose again, you blame circumstances. Continue losing and finally you will realize it's the game. You were never the deemed winner. Nor loser. It's just the way it is. Win and loss are a matter of definition. So are friends and enemies. Brothers and sisters. Nothing is absolute. You decide the definition and you decide your wisdom quotient. There is no real point. No real purpose too. This shall continue until the body gives up. It is the body that is ageing and it is the ...