
Showing posts from May, 2024


The annual Himalayan trek - this has become synonymous with the reason I will be disappearing from the roll call of life during the month of May. I love these treks for various reasons ranging from fun to flora to physics (of the meta variety). But more than anything else for the opportunity it provides to connect back with ourselves - that genuine ourselves hidden behind layers of personas we created to wade through this complex journey called life. There is nothing more important and more invigorating to meet that part of us to get back the confidence that there is still a chance and purpose to this life. For all the things on offer during these treks, one thing that I never really indulge in is networking. Its a pointless pursuit and a wasted exercise if we end up trying to figure what people do in the world of business. It becomes a logical exercise in identifying common areas where one can continue to build a relationship but I don't think we should even bother abo