Negative? Thinking...
Too much is made out of negative thinking in our society. "Be positive" is the mantra for meeting the requirements of the definition of success. If someone is worried about the outcome of any event, others in the team are quick to soften them up by asking them not to be negative. Depending upon their age, negative thinkers are also termed as 'Devil's advocates' in some groups. Alexander has not become 'the great' by thinking negative. According to Management Historians or Historical Managers, he was either not thinking or was thinking positive. Now what has positivity got to do with anything? It's a good question to ask but I doubt if we will ever get an honest answer from many of these management gurus. Not because there is no answer but it is probably an incovenient truth. Let me take an example. The closest to positive and negative that we can come across is the flow of current. It flows from the negative terminal to the positive terminal. It's ...