Rhymes for the times

"We live in Rhymeless times", a friend quipped the other day. He must have been referring to the film songs because, Nursery Rhymes are timeless for sure. May be not because of their quality but because of the customer base which changes year on year. These must be the only products that are timeless more because they remain the same while their customer changes. Is this a lesson in marketing? Change the customer while keeping the product constant? With all the emphasis on packaging, may be that is what is happening anyways.

Anyways, even if the times are rhymeless and rhymes are timeless, I have some time to rhyme. Someone should make effort to add/upgrade to the current set because, if we have evolved as people, it should reflect in our stable of Nursery Rhymes too. So, here goes attempt number one -

One, two, three
I am free
Four, five, six
I have tricks
Seven, eight, nine
The world is mine.

My daughter loved it. That should be reason enough to qualify this as something for posterity !



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