Of God, Men and Godmen

"It is simple, really", said God as he created the world. All these life forms need to follow the demands of their body. Eat, breathe, sleep, mate, procreate and eventually die. "About ten tasks is all they need to do", God said.

"How long should we do these tasks and why?", asked some of the smarter life forms.

"It is upto you", replied God. "If you stop doing these tasks, then you do not have to do them because you will anyway die". God was probably getting impatient about the smarter life forms that (s)he had created. "Do not ever ask why. That will lead you into all kinds of trouble. But just so you know, the answer to the why is also very simple. You are created because the system needs you to exist. As to why the system is created, it is my problem. So leave it at that and go do your ten tasks", with that God dismissed the life forms to various parts of the Universe.

The life forms on Earth started their contribution to the system by executing the ten odd tasks that God had assigned them. "It is easy, really", they all thought. However the smarter life forms were not convinced yet. "How is it that we are smarter but execute the same ten tasks as others. If we have to execute the same tasks then we need to understand why we are smarter", they decided.

"Did not God forbade us from asking why?", the wiser of the smarter said. "Let us stick to the rule of God and execute those ten odd tasks".

"Wiser is not smarter. We really need to figure out the system and contribute to it. We need to enhance it and make the system better for all", said the smarter.

"How can we enhance and improve upon what has been created by God", the wiser wondered. They were anyway outnumbered by the smarter and therefore had no option but to tag along.

So the smarter started to work harder and added more tasks to their list. The new tasks were supposed to allow them to figure the system out and thereafter make it better for all.

As time passed, the ten odd basic tasks became too simple for the smarter and that left them with lot more time to perform the harder tasks that they invented themselves. "Look, by making the ten odd God given tasks simpler, we have made it easier for all. So our new tasks definitely helped us in improving the system and give us more time now to simplify the additional tasks that we have created ourselves", the smarter said.

And so, the smarter kept on simplifying the additional tasks that they had created by creating some more additional tasks and some more and some more and so on ..

As time passed, the smarter started feeling more and more tired doing harder tasks which simplified earlier harder tasks until they allegedly simplified the ten odd God given tasks.

"Why am I feeling more and more tired and unhappy? How come there is unhappiness in God's world? If all I am doing is what God wanted me to, then why is this life misearble", some of the confused smarter started to wonder. "May be we should ask the wiser", they decided.

The wiser remained wise and knew the smarter had messed it all up. When the smarter approached them they simply repeated the ten odd basic tasks that God had assigned them all. "Eat, breathe, sleep etc and you will be fine". The smarter suddenly realized that the wiser made lot of sense in what they said. "How could we lose focus of the basic things", they thought. "To remain focused on what is essential in life, we need to follow the wiser".

Now the wiser started advising smarter. Lest the smarter figure out that all the wiser are telling them was what God had anyway mandated, the wiser became smarter and found ways to keep the smarter on the edge. The wiser preached them some really paradox tasks to what God had mandated. Do not eat, Do not mate and whatever else. The smarter could not find these tasks doable as they were against those God had mandated and embedded into their bodies.

"If the wiser are able to do this, then they are definitely smarter than us". And since the wiser were creating alternate tasks to God given tasks, they suddenly became messengers of God for the smarter or even his replacement in some cases.

Smarter in this story were of course men. And wiser are the supposed Godmen. And the story will continue forever.



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