Walking and Talking

As I reached the far end of the Parade Grounds, a Pig ran on to the walkers track. It probably was waiting behind the trees. I was scared for a moment but then found it harmlessly running next to me.

"So why are you running?" the Swine asked.

"So I do not become like you". I had to be smarter than the Pig, the world says so.

"Hmmmm. That's good. But did you ever wonder why you were putting on that weight?"

"Oh... you wouldn't understand our world. We have so many options to eat, drink and make merry. We have such a convenient life style with automation for transportation. And of course, to enjoy all that we need to work hard and that causes us anxiety and affects our health. You wouldn't understand all this because you are a beast. You are not smart", I thought I sounded silly but I was sure the Pig would never figure.

"Yes, I am not" the Pig said. "I only eat when I am hungry; drink water when I am thirsty and sleep when I am tired. Of course I walk when I need to, like I am doing now". It stopped in its tracks. "But if you were to be so smart, why can't you do what I do? Never mind about becoming like me. This is how I am designed to be"

"Being smart comes with a price", I replied. "We have invented and discovered so many things and will keep doing so in the future too. Our lifestyle is a result of all that dynamism and creativity. So we are sacrificing for the common good of the world; helping figure things out".

"How many humans would you reckon live now on this planet? How big would that number be if you include all those who have died since the beginning of time?" the Pig started using its mind. But then I am a human, I can handle such beastly smartness.

"All included, a trillion - may be" I hazarded a guess.

"Of these trillion, how many would you consider as inventors / discoverers?"

I was not sure what the Swine was getting to.

"A couple of hundreds, may be. I can easily say about 500" I said. "What's your point?"

"500 out of a trillion is like what? 0.00000000005% of the humans lived so far? I am not good at math, I could be short a couple of zeros" The pig was winning the conversation. "So you are saying the entire humanity is smart because of that percentage? I am pretty sure percentage wise there were more pigs that were pretty smart for a pig"

"What's your point" I was frustrated.

"Don't be deluded, my friend. Except for that miniscule percentage, the rest of you can be, at best, termed as slaves of their intelligence"

I remained silent. Why does no one discuss these things in schools and colleges?

"Take my advice. Eat if you are hungry not because you like the taste or the situation and your compulsions demand. Drink water when you are thirsty and not some stuff to drown your slavish miseries. Sleep when tired and not when you get the time. And as much as possible, walk"

"But ....." I was cut short by the sighting of a piglet

"I found my baby, will need to go now. Thanks for the walk and the talk" the Pig went away.

"Thanks to you too" I almost mumbled.


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