
"Happy Vinayaka Chavithi"

"Same to you. But am telling you, there was so much crowd in the market that to get home the God of obstacles, I had to face many obstacles ! These beliefs can be tiring, man"

"Interesting that you talk of obstacles. I think we tend to ignore the meaning of obstacles when we follow beliefs just for the sake of following"

"What do you mean? There were indeed obstacles. Police closed the entrance for vehicles, lot of jostling and pushing in the crowd and, as usual, people trying to win at every place. I had to convince myself that the pain is worth the belief"

"Obstacles to what? Remember we talked about ours being the original POP culture? Culture for the Pursuit of Paramatma, that is. You know in pursuit of self realization, where the biggest obstacles come from?"

"From the world around?"

"Our senses and their attachment to their objects. And the mind that encourages the senses to pursue those objects instead of the Paramatma"

"Hmmm... So it is not those traffic jams, then?"

"Not really. We should always contextualize all our beliefs and rituals to our POP culture. So yes, the obstacles are only in the path of self realization and come from our own senses and mind. Their desire to enjoy the objects of the world is what ties one down to the world and moves away from Paramatma"

"And who is Ganesha then?"

"Ganesha is the intellect behind the mind. The vignanamaya kosha, if you will. He is the one who could add discretion and help control the mind. When we pray to Him to remove the obstacles, we are praying to our own intellect to take control over the mind and senses"

"But what of his strange form? Why elephant head etc?"

"It is not about the elephant. If you notice, all the five sense organs are accentuated in that form. Big ears, Big nose, Big body, Sharp eyes and big tummy for the sense of taste. And a big head of course for the mind. Why do you think the emphasis on senses and mind?"

"Not sure"

"Make the senses so big that small things that they normally fret about become irrelevant. Enhanced senses for enhanced perception; Enhanced mind for greater discretion. Enhanced perception would eventually lead us to the interest in the designer behind the obvious. And that is the Paramatma who is everywhere"

"And use the intellect to drive the senses and mind towards the enhanced perception?"

"Yes, indeed"

"Pursuit of Paramatma it will be then. Jai bolo Ganesh Maharaj ki"



Anonymous said…
Another great blog Niren! Very timely too

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