The wise mosquito

"It's the elephant", yelled the mosquito in what seemed like it's Eureka! moment.

"Sorry to be stallin' your train of thoughts" I interjected. "What's the elephant?"

"It's the elephant that causes dengue and malaria", the mosquito shouted at the top of its voice. "It's also the elephant that ate all the lions , tigers and other endangered species"


"Believe me. I am a very old mosquito and I speak from the experience and wisdom of a life time. What I am saying is the truth"

"How old are you?" I couldn't resist.

"Very old. In fact the oldest and most revered in my tribe", the mosquito said without sounding vain. "But if you insist, let me tell you, I am almost a day and half old"

"But the elephant is probably thousands of times older than you. How do you know about it?"

"Age is just a number" smiled the mosquito wryly. "Is the elephant oldest in its tribe or did it finish almost 90 percent of its lifetime? If not, I am definitely older and wiser "

I struggled to understand the logic of the last statement. But prodded along nevertheless.

"Have you studied the elephant long enough to understand it's lifestyle? It's a herbivore and cannot eat any animal leave alone lions and tigers. It's so big and distant that humans cannot possibly get malaria and dengue from it. And anyways, it's proven that those diseases are caused by mosquito bite"

"Ah ! How silly", the mosquito's tone indicated incredulity and exasperation. "Why does one need to study when a life's experience bestows unlimited wisdom? Can't you see the elephant is huge and not endangered? And tigers, lions etc are relatively smaller and endangered? What do you deduce, Sherlock?"

"But how can you make such inferences without studying the elephant for some time at least? It's been on this planet for millions of years. It's a herbivore and stays away from human habitat"

"Humans are such fools", the mosquito exclaimed. "No point talking to you when you clearly cannot see what I, a wise old mosquito, can see in plain sight. And you talk about studying the elephant? Why should I when I can draw conclusions without so much as batting an eye? I wouldn't waste the precious little time I have on this planet understanding something that is obviously devouring tigers and lions in plain sight"

"But herbivores don't ....."

"Shut up and get lost"


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