The Ram Lalla Series - Who?

"Now that all the euphoria is tapering down, let me ask You. Who deserves the credit for this?", I asked Rama.

He smiled.

"Obvious question. Who deserves the credit for getting You back into Your home?"

He smiled.

"Well there are many names floating around. Modi, Yogi, Advani, Ashok Singhal, Rambhadracharya, the Jain lawyers, KK Muhammad, KK Nair and some more from the more recent past. Then some are even giving credit to Tulasidas and to Your dear disciple Lord Hanuman. Some people even credit Babur, Nehru, Rajiv Gandhi and Mulayam - but I think that's a little crazy. What's Your take?"

He smiled.

"Do I see a hint of a wink there? You mean everyone did their job? How is that even possible? There is so much conflict in their actions. Some destroyed and some created. How could they have all contributed equally?"

He smiled.

"Well if You are asking what I think, I think it's the millions of Your devotees who never gave up Your name. Who believed that things will eventually fall in place and patiently waited for centuries. And if I have to be really practical about it then it is L&T who finally built the structure", a joke I thought would get Him to give more direct answers.

He smiled.

"Another wink, I see. So You are saying they too? Now I know what You mean. Every squirrel contributed. And in the same way every little contribution, including from people like me who just type stuff, matters. Nice. Makes sense. But why and how Babur?"

He smiled.

"Hmm.. I can see this smile is a knowing one. You mean to say if I understand You, then I will understand Babur too. Let me guess. Give me a second"

He smiled.

"Got it. Babur did what he thought was his Dharma. If we purely go by what his world view was, he was doing the right thing. Just like Ravana was right in his own way. Am I right?"

He smiled.

"Got it. Got it. Each one played their role in this drama. Both negative and positive. Right and Wrong. With the right being wrong and wrong being right when you switch sides. At the end of the day what matters is that Dharma prevailed"

He smiled.

"Yes. It all makes sense now. If Your life was the template then the journey to Your temple follows the same template. If we have understood Your journey then we will also understand the journey for Your temple. Clear now"

He smiled.

"Now why that naughty twinkle in the smile?Are you saying if not for these difficulties we'd have all been lost in our modern material life and wouldn't have bothered to pay this much attention to You? Little unfair to the true devotees but possibly true for the majority. I agree with that too"

He smiled.

"Thank You. If Ramo Vigrahavan Dharmaha, then a fight for Rama is automatically a fight for Dharma and it's pre-eminence in this modern world. What a game You played !!"

He didn't smile this time. I guess that means it's the end of the conversation.

Jai Shree Ram.


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